to give assessment to the Decree and the Statement of the Supreme Council of
the Russian Federation – on situation in the Northern Caucasus in the Light of
events in Abkhazia, - adopted by the Session of the Supreme Council of the RF
on September 25, 1992.
The Supreme Council of the Russian Federation recommends to the
President and the Government of the RF to review the issue utilization of the
contingent of the Russian troops in Abkhazia, to suspend the transfer of
armaments to Georgia, which are due to it
in accordance with the adopted agreements and to refrain from conclusion of
economic agreements with Georgia. Furthermore, the
session connects the withdrawal from the territory of Georgia of the groups of
terrorist mercenaries, manned with the citizens of the RF, with withdrawal of
the troops of Georgia from Abkhazia, which
is an integral part of Georgia.
In the documents there has not been any mentioning of responsibility of
the RF for penetration to the territory of Georgia of the armed gangs,
formed by the citizens of the RF and included in the so called Federation of
the mountain people. They found it sufficient to adopt abstract measures on
cessation of “activities” of the illegal armed formations, even not mentioning,
on whose territories are acting these formations.
Government of the Republic of Georgia considers these
Resolution and Statement as infringement of sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the Republic of Georgia, interference into
the internal affairs of the sovereign state.
Government of the Republic of Georgia states that the
development of events after the signing of the final document of the Moscow meeting of September 3, 1992, has not gone towards the peaceful settlement of
the conflict. The major reason of this is a position from the side of the red-brown
forces of Russia of Abkhazian national-separatists, actions of which are in
contradiction with the essence and the form of the final document of the Moscow
meeting and are reducing to zero the efforts of Government of the Republic of
Georgia on implementation of the provisions of this document.
Imperial tone of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, which has taken for
itself the role of a judge, condemning “policy of the leadership of Georgia”, is in its essence
unacceptable and is not corresponding with the legal norms of interstate
Such position continues to incite against Georgian statehood hostile
forces and makes clearly evident definite aggressive goals of reactionist part
of the Supreme Council of the RF, which so far has not assessed appropriately
criminal activities of terrorist-mercenaries, citizens of the RF, on the territory of Georgia.
Government of the Republic of Georgia views these
documents as vivid acts of violation of the rights of the sovereign state and
declares in front of the entire world about their aggressive essence.
Expressing protest against any infringement of the universally recognized
principles of territorial integrity of sovereign states, inviolability of their
borders, non-interference in the internal affairs of the state, Government of
the Republic of Georgia appeals to the Government of the RF not to allow for
the revision of the final document of
the Moscow meeting, to facilitate the fulfillment of all its provisions for the
soonest stoppage of the bloodshed and peaceful settlement of the conflict.
Government of Georgia consistently stands
for establishment of equal-footing, good neighborly relations with the Russian Federation and expresses its
belief that the reactive forces cannot hinder these relations.
Government of Georgia reiterates its
intention to support by all the means of the participation of the UNO, CSCE and
other authoritative international organizations in the settlement of the
September 25-29, 1992.
(The newspaper “Svobodnaya
Gruzya”, No 124, September 29, 1992).